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About this Blog

Dubai Elite Cars is a blog that will talk about all of Dubai's most elite cars, hotels, malls, records, and many more.

This blog aims to share photos of elite cars/vehicles/records in Dubai to the community and viewers around the world. This blog will also display other collection of Elite Cars and other Elite Records of Dubai. This blog doesn't claim ownership to photos that have been copyrighted by others and doesn't mean to offend any individual or breach anyone's privacy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dubai Elite Cars Daily: "Normal" Day Cars in Dubai

Today was a normal day at the office and so was the cars that I passed by today going to and from the office.. Below are some snapshots of the "normal" cars that I saw today..

This is the "normal" car for Dubai Elites and is also the car of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed

Silver Porsche

First time for me to see a Genesis car
Dubai's Mercedes Benz Taxi

So that's it for today's edition of Dubai Elite Cars Daily! Today was somewhat normal and not so much super cars in the Dubai streets (probably they're staying home due to the hot weather which I totally understand o_O) ..Watch out for tomorrow's version of cars in Dubai! For sure it would be better! :) Cars Cars Cars Everywhere!


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