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Dubai Elite Cars is a blog that will talk about all of Dubai's most elite cars, hotels, malls, records, and many more.

This blog aims to share photos of elite cars/vehicles/records in Dubai to the community and viewers around the world. This blog will also display other collection of Elite Cars and other Elite Records of Dubai. This blog doesn't claim ownership to photos that have been copyrighted by others and doesn't mean to offend any individual or breach anyone's privacy.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

It's Going to Snow in Dubai! And it's not SKI Dubai!

Being in the Middle East, specifically in Dubai, means you are always going to have a very hot day and Mr. Humidity will always be your sticky enemy (I hate Mr. Humidity more than Mr. Sunshine though because it really sticks to your skin and you can't seem to get rid of it). 

Due to Mr. Sunshine and Mr. Humidity, conducting an outdoor party in Dubai seems to be close to impossible, especially during summer (which starts from April to August or sometimes even until September). This has always been a problem for parents or for any event coordinator in the past, but not anymore! Because the World's Fastest Real Snow Making System - Desert Snow - is now here in Dubai! And they can create and setup any snow party for any birthday parties or any other occasions/events you can think of or even if you just want snow in your backyard because you want to (haha as if someone will do that, oh wait, we're in Dubai so everything extreme is possible :D).

Desert Snow which is based in Al Quoz, Desert Snow is now making noise in Dubai as it can setup everything from ski domes to snowboarding slopes (made from real snow) for any events or birthday parties in the UAE. As per Desert Snow's managing director Ben Elliott (source: XPRESS News), they can produce up to 1,000 cubic metres of snow in any location at any temperature (yes, even 50 degrees scorching hot temperature) within 24 hours.

Desert Snow "World's Fastest Snow Making System"
via xpress magazine

He also said that the snow is chemical-free and is safe for kids and for all ages for all occasions. It is also not sensitive to changing temperature so it can be produced even during the hottest time of the year in Dubai (yahoo! but I guess we will not be able to afford it, but hopefully someone will invite us to their elite snow party haha). The cost varies from site to site but normally the 20 foot box of real snow comes at around AED 3,000 or around $820 US Dollars plus the delivery charges. Bookings and appointments should be made at least a week or 48 hours in advance to avoid your snow party becoming a water party (which is not so bad I think).

Definitely, the world is changing, who can ever predict that it would snow in a 50 degree Celsius or 122 Degree Fahrenheit country like Dubai? Not even Nostradamus could have predicted that (or maybe he did I'm not sure haha)..