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About this Blog

Dubai Elite Cars is a blog that will talk about all of Dubai's most elite cars, hotels, malls, records, and many more.

This blog aims to share photos of elite cars/vehicles/records in Dubai to the community and viewers around the world. This blog will also display other collection of Elite Cars and other Elite Records of Dubai. This blog doesn't claim ownership to photos that have been copyrighted by others and doesn't mean to offend any individual or breach anyone's privacy.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Most Expensive Plate Number Ever Sold

2 days has passed since my first blog in search for Dubai Elite Cars but so far I haven't seen any 3-digit ferraris roaming around (this might be more difficult than I thought it would be haha).

So for the meantime, let's talk about how "Elite" these plate numbers really are and what is the most expensive plate number ever sold.

So I searched in Google exactly as I wanted (like what we usually do when we search for our home works): "Most Expensive Plate Numbers in the World"

Then not to my surprise, the most expensive plate number ever sold was the plate number "1" in Abu Dhabi:

This was sold to Saeed Abdul Ghaffer Khouri for 52.2 Million Dirhams or around 14.3 Million USD. This is currently the holder for the most expensive plate number sold in history in the Guinness Book of World Records. I say currently, because in a year or so, for sure there will be another plate number to be up for grabs (plate number lower than 1 like maybe number -1? hahaha I have no idea if that's even allowed).

 Second on the list is not number 2, but the plate number "5":

This was sold for a not so shabby 22.7 Million Dirhams or around 6.8 Million USD in 2007 to Mr. Khoury (some says he's a close relative of the guy who bought number 1, which makes sense haha). The good thing is that Mr. Khoury says that once he passes, he will have this plate auctioned and the money will go to charity. So that's not so bad :)

For the video of the auction please see below:

Aside from the World Record of having the most expensive Plate Number Sold, the Auction also got the World Record for the most money raised for a plate auction so that's another good thing :)