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About this Blog

Dubai Elite Cars is a blog that will talk about all of Dubai's most elite cars, hotels, malls, records, and many more.

This blog aims to share photos of elite cars/vehicles/records in Dubai to the community and viewers around the world. This blog will also display other collection of Elite Cars and other Elite Records of Dubai. This blog doesn't claim ownership to photos that have been copyrighted by others and doesn't mean to offend any individual or breach anyone's privacy.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dubai Elite Cars Daily: Blue Ice Cold Cars in Dubai

It's been scorching hot in Dubai lately (37 degrees Celsius with humidity up to 45%), and going out seems to be an impossible or unwanted task. You literally have to run from one building to the next available shade until you reach your destination since the heat is really unbearable to take. Because of this, all you want to do the whole day is stay inside your room/office or inside the mall with air-conditioning and then just come out at night when the sun goes down in order to avoid the heat. For us to at least forget about the heat and cool off a little, today's version of Dubai Elite Daily will feature blue ice cold cars that we've seen these past few hot days. So grab a cup of ice cold cola and add some nachos (well you gotta have something to eat haha) and enjoy the cold view!

Ice Blue Bentley Car

Sky Blue Rolls Royce 

Sporty Blue Mustang
Icy blue Subaru

Sparking Blue Mclaren 
So hope you enjoyed the thirst quenching blue ice cold cars episode of the Dubai Elite Daily and watch out for more amazing cars from Dubai to come! Best episodes yet to come so watch out!